TigerBlog figured he'd do what he used to do in college while writing a paper.
That's when he would do just enough of the reading to bluff his way through however many pages were required. Hey, he graduated. He has his diploma and everything.
In the case of yesterday's sort of assignment, or self-imposed assignment, he figured he'd watch just enough of the Ashley Chea documentary to be able to get 700 or so words for today's entry. There was only one problem.
It was way too riveting not to watch the entire show. And so TB did, all 1:24 of it.
You can do so by clicking on this LINK.
Chea, of course, was a unanimous first-team All-Ivy League basketball player this past season, which was her sophomore year at Princeton. If you are a Princeton fan, you really should do what TigerBlog did, which was to watch the entire show.
The documentary on PBS is entitled "Home Court," and it follows Chea through her final three years at Flintridge Prep in California. It shows her knee injury, her recovery, her return to her high school team and club team and ultimately how her high school career ended.
It also shows what her life was like as a first-generation American from a Cambodian family and the cultural differences between her upbringing here and her mother's upbringing in the old country. Chea's relationship with her high school coaches is one of the focal points of the production.
Oh, and there is also the recruiting process. You'll see some very familiar faces in the show if you watch it, including none other than Shelley Szwast, the athletic department photographer. And, of course, Carla Berube, the Princeton women's head coach.
There are two kinds of really good documentaries. The first is when the subject is something that you're mildly familiar with from a few decades back that is now brought into clearer focus, like the one on Netflix about singer George Michael. Once you see it, you have a whole new appreciation for a subject you hadn't considered in a long time.
The other is when the subject is of interest to you but you don't necessarily know a lot about it. That's the case here.
TigerBlog has watched Chea play for two seasons at Princeton. She plays with supreme confidence and energy, and her love of the game comes shining through every time she's on the court.
She's also obviously a big-time player. She more than doubled her points per game from her freshman year (6.0) to this past season (12.6), as well as her rebounds (1.4 to 3.2) and assists (1.2 to 3.6), as she helped Princeton to a sixth-straight NCAA appearance.
Her documentary goes back way before she ever stepped foot on the Princeton campus. In fact, the Chea family is from Los Angeles, where her parents ran a donut shop.
The show starts with video of Chea as she does ballhandling drills, with these words on her voiceover:
"When I play basketball, I feel like there's nothing around me that can
stop me," Chea says in a voiceover. "Like if a meteor came and flew into
the gym, that won't stop me from playing basketball. It's like my safe
There are so many highlights throughout the 84 minutes, including:
* video of a very young Chea as she dribbled and shot during timeouts during her father's rec league games and of when her father put her through drills, including in their garage when it would rain
* the story of Asian basketball in Southern California through the years — with a special mention of basketball in Japanese internment camps in World War II
* her recruiting trips to UC-Santa Clara, Cal and then ultimately Princeton
There is great video of her as a high school and club player (there's also a high school teammate of hers who seemed to have shot 100 percent from three-point range for her career, all from the corner).
And there are two other parts that deserve special notice.
First, there is a viral clip of Chea from a high school state playoff game where she puts up a three and then turns 180 degrees away to face the student section before it splashes in. The clip went viral on social media, with more than 10 million views.
The other is the story about her grandmother, who barely escaped the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia by bravely riding her bike away from sleeping soldiers who had detained her.
It is not a fluff piece; it delves into some pretty deep issues that Chea confronts, as all teenagers do, only in a very public way.
The project originally was going to be a documentary on Asian basketball players. Then there was a thought of featuring another Flintridge alum — Kaitlyn Chen, the three-time Most Outstanding Player at the Ivy tournament during her Princeton career who is now playing in the Sweet 16 with UConn as a grad student. Chen appears a few times in the movie.
In the end, the decision was made to feature Chea, who spent three years being filmed almost constantly. It was cut down to that 1:24 time frame.
It's 1:24 that you owe it to yourself to watch.