Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Answer No. 1

TigerBlog finally got his glasses back.

Sort of.

He has his new frames and his old lenses, which is better than nothing, since his old frames pretty much disintegrated and he was basically getting by with no glasses at all. It's amazing how little he could actually see when he didn't have his glasses at all.

The other amazing thing was how many times he reached to adjust his glasses out of habit, since he wasn't actually wearing any. This was especially true when he was riding his bike. It always felt like his glasses were falling off, when in fact they were actually nowhere near his face.

He was struggling along with the idea that he had more than a week to go before he was going to be able to see again when the eye doctor called to say that his frames were available and did he want his old lenses put into them? The answer was a simple "yes."

He got his glasses back just in time to see the first entry in a new series on goprincetontigers.com. It's called "Today's Top Tigers," and it will feature one athlete, from each team, who has been making a presence known in the record book.

The first subject is Lucy Rickerson of the women's soccer team. You can see the story on her HERE.

The story about Rickerson was the No. 2 story on goprincetontigers.com yesterday. It got TB to wondering what the top stories on the website were a year ago.

When you go back through the archives, you see that the top story was new women's basketball coach Carla Berube's hire of Lauren Battista and Dalila Eshe as her assistant coaches. The story did not mention that Princeton would go 26-1 in their first season together.

The other stories were about the recruiting classes and academic awards. It's the stuff of normal summer content.

The lead story yesterday on GPT? No, that was not normal in any way at all.

The lead story was the story about Princeton's plans to reopen for the fall semester. If you missed it, Princeton will have freshmen and juniors on campus in the fall and then sophomores and seniors in the spring. All classes will be taught online, whether you're on campus or not.

This is not the story TB ever would have imagined a year ago. Or 30 years ago. Or 20 years ago. Or ever.

You can read more about it HERE.

It's also the story that addresses the first half of the questions that TB has been asked for the last few months. What's going to happen in the fall?

TB remembers when the spring seasons came to a sudden halt and the spring semester went to an online format. He had this sense that by the start of the new school year that everything would be back to normal, or maybe he just really wanted it to be the case.

For as many times as he has been asked about what the University was going to do, he's wondered it himself equally as much.

Now that the academic schedule has been announced, there's the other question that has dominated conversations as well. What will athletics look like in the fall?

The Ivy League will be making its announcement tomorrow on that front. TB has heard every possible scenario, and everyone is sure that whatever they heard from someone somewhere is exactly how it's going to play out.

TB has no idea. He'll just wait and learn it tomorrow with everyone else.

He's hoping for the best, as he always does.

In the meantime, Answer No. 1 has been announced. These are times unlike any other that TB can relate to, and none of this has been easy for anyone involved, especially the decision makers and the students affected.

TB feels for all of them.

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