Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Big Wednesday In Philly

TigerBlog's post yesterday on the birth of Wyatt Madalon brought a lot of feedback, most of it on one subject.

What were TB's diapering tips, especially for boys? 

First, in general, if you have a television in your bedroom, leave it on, with the sound turned off, all night long. That way, when the baby wakes up, you won't have to turn the lights on for feeding and changing and such, so the baby starts to get a sense of the difference between night and day. Also, you can watch the TV while you're feeding the baby. Win-win.

As for a boy, create a flap about 1/2 inch wide at the top of the diaper and then fold it back towards the baby's tummy. Trust him on this one. It'll come in handy one day.

Any other random advice TB can offer? Just let him know what subjects you want covered. Maybe he could start a side blog on the art of child-raising.

Having a newborn is not easy. Having one when your other children have moved past the baby stage is even harder. You forget all the things that went into the first year or two of child-raising.

Ah, how long ago it was. When Miss TigerBlog came along, three years after her brother, TB had no idea how to put the infant car seat back in the car and a bunch of stuff like that. And now? She is in Canada making some sort of presentation about an aerospace subject TB wouldn't understand in a million years. 

It goes by really, really quickly.

MTB's former team, the Princeton women's lacrosse team, has itself a big game tonight at Penn, with the opening draw at 7.

For the rest of today's entry, please click HERE and be redirected to The full blog is available each day on the main website.

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