Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Catching A Draft

 If you read yesterday's entry early in the morning, then you missed the word "enough" in the first sentence. 

It made a big difference. Instead of saying that he couldn't recommend his Kane recovery shoes "enough," TigerBlog said he "couldn't recommend them." One word. Big impact. 

Anyway, it was corrected around 9:30. If you read before then, TB suggests going out and buying your own Kanes. You won't regret it. 

Okay, "enough" about that.

It's the last week of April. The weather is decidedly in the spring mode, for that short period of time between when the last of the cold leaves and the temperature sprints into the 80s. Now? You have chilly mornings and beautiful afternoons and evening. Can't ask for much more than that.

It used to be that spring lasted a few months. Now it's just a few weeks. 

So what should TB talk about during this great spring weather? Football, of course.

For the rest of today's entry, click HERE. TigerBlog is now available at

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