Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Wyatt, Wyatt, Wyatt

Have you ever driven six hours — about an hour of which was spent in a driving rainstorm — with someone whose wife just had a baby?  

TigerBlog can cross that off his list. Here's the story:

TigerBlog and Matt Madalon rolled out of Princeton late Friday morning on their way to the men's lacrosse game at Dartmouth.

The two were in a rental car, instead of on the bus. Why? Madalon needed a way to get back in case his wife Ashley went into labor with their third child.

Of course, this seemed unlikely. They had just come from the doctor and were given the okay. The baby wasn't due four more days, meaning today. What could go wrong? 

For the rest of today's blog, click HERE to be taken to goprincetontigers.com/sports/tigerblog. You can find the blog, and all of the archives, there every day.

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